Testosterone propionate
Testosterone propanoate
Testosterone 17β-propanoate
Androgen, Anabolic steroid, Androgen ester
Intramuscular Injection
Oral : Very low
Intramuscular: Very high
0.8 days
Testosterone Propionate was introduced in 1936. The steroid is medically used for improving the low testosterone levels in men, for treating delayed puberty in boys, and hypogonadism, consumed for treating low sexual desires in individuals, used by women for treating breast cancer and menopausal symptoms. It is a steroid which is having a shorter life span when compared to other steroids. And it is much preferred by the women in the bodybuilding industry for gaining up muscles. And this steroid is usually preferred by recent bodybuilders. The steroid is an injectable steroid that is usually dispersed in oil with an ester of propionate being attached. The steroid is giving quick onset of action but the problem is because of its shorter life span its actions remain for a very short duration. During the cyclic, the phase 50 - 100 mg injection is recommended as it can help in having a very low water retention capacity thus gradually helping in building muscles and thus helping in reducing muscle breakdown. Sometimes Testosterone Propionate is used along with stanozolol, trenbolone, and even growth hormone that helps in the optimal protection of the muscles even if the athlete is having severe workouts.
The Testosterone
Propionate has the following benefits which include;
The users will gain lean muscles
Fat Burner Weight Loss can be achieved
The steroid has faster to slower
effects at the initial stage of the cycle the stamina will be increased
drastically and later slower increase in stamina towards the end of the cycle
The side effects of the Testosterone
Propionate includes ;
High cholesterol
Increased blood pressure
Risk of gynecomastia
Oily skin
Hair loss
Voice changes
Increased sexual desire
Testosterone suppression
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