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Methandienone OIL 75mg SWISSCHEM PHARMA

Methandienone OIL 75mg SWISSCHEM PHARMA

Trade Names: Dianabol, Danabol, AnabolChemical Names: MethandienoneRoutes: Oral, Intramuscular Inj..


Methandienone OIL 75mg NOVUS LABS

Methandienone OIL 75mg NOVUS LABS

Trade Names: Dianabol, Danabol, AnabolChemical Names: MethandienoneRoutes: Oral, Intramuscular Inj..




Dianabol (Methandienone) was originally developed by John Ziegler and released in the early 196..


D - Bol 100 MAX PRO

D - Bol 100 MAX PRO

Dianabol (Methandienone) was originally developed by John Ziegler and released in the early 196..


Methandienone Injection GENESIS

Methandienone Injection GENESIS

Dianabol (Methandienone) was originally developed by John Ziegler and released in the early 1960s b..


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  • Methandienone
  • Methandrostenolone
  • Methandrolone
  • Dehydromethyltestosterone
  • Methylboldenone
  •  Parabola
  •  Ciba-17309-Ba
  •  TMV-17
  •  NSC-51180
  • NSC-42722
  •  17α-Methyl-δ1-testosterone
  • 17β-Hydroxy-17α-methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one 17α-Methylandrost-1,4-dien-17β-ol-3-one

CLASSIFICATIONAndrogen, Anabolic steroid

ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: Intramuscular Injection; Oral



The drug Metandienone was discovered and synthesized by the experimenters working in the CIBA laboratories of Basel, Switzerland. The drug was given a patent in 1957 and it was medically in use from 1958 as the drug was titled under the brand name and was used as Dianabol in the US and the drug was also marketed in Germany. The steroid is an anabolic and androgenic drug. During the earlier period, the drug was prescribed to treat the burn casualties and the senior citizens.

The drug is well recognized as an agent for androgen replacement therapy to treat men suffering from Hypogonadism.  The drug is quite famous among bodybuilders as the steroid helps in FatBurner Weight Loss. The drug is utilized by bodybuilders and athletes as it helps in strengthening the body and enhancing performance. 

The traits of the drug which make it an ideal steroid for consumption by bodybuilders include:

     It’s a fantastic bulking agent as the steroid helps in packing your muscles promptly

     It enhances protein synthesis which helps in increased protein intake and building up of muscles.

     It also encourages nitrogen retention and will result in providing an anabolic atmosphere that helps in creating and conserving muscles.   

     It enhances glycogenolysis which helps in making the body efficient utilizing the total carb intake.

     This steroid is also a tremendous addition to any pile, as it brings the other steroids in the stack endeavor extra effectively.


The ideal dosage of Metandienone includes 5 - 15 mg/day

In men, it was given at 5-10 mg/day

In women, it was given 2.5mg/day

 The drug has both Androgenic and Estrogenic side effects.

  • The Androgenic side effects include;
  • Oily skin
  • Acne
  • Seborrhea
  • Increased facial/body hair growth
  • Scalp hair loss
  • Virilization

The Estrogenic side effects include;  Gynecomastia

Enlargement of breast size in men

Fluid retention

The over usage of the drug can result in elevated blood pressure, hepatotoxicity, and liver damage.

Looking For Online Injectable Steroids in Germany For Fat Burner Weight Loss?

Mainly looking for Metandienone,  since the drug is banned in most countries and if you are currently in need of online Metandienone just go for placing your Metandienone online order with us at our website anabolisants.eu.

as we are the most trustworthy platforms in Germany providing the best quality online steroid delivery and the Metadienone is provided from the Metadienone Store Germany!