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  • Primobolan inj 100mg DNA Laboratory

Buy Primobolan injection online 100mg DNA Laboratory

Trade Names: Primobolan

Chemical Names: Methenolone Enanthate / Acetate

Routes: Intramuscular and Oral

Half-life: Enanthate: 10/15 days - Acetate: 2/3 days

Primobolan is a very unique steroid that actually comes in both an oral and injectable version. There are other steroids with these same characteristics like Winstrol however Primobolan is unique in that the ester is different in both versions. Primobolan is not the most powerful steroid out there however it does have an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 88:50+/- and half life of 10-15 days. With those ratios mentioned you will see that this drug is a very effective anabolic as well as anti-catabolic agent. Primobolan is a very safe steroid and reports have stated that it can be successfully added to ones Hormone Replacement Therapy year round, of course this is dose dependant. Primobolan was medically used to treat breast cancer/tumours so we can comfortably say that no Anti-Estrogen or Aromatase Inhibitor would be necessary with this steroid. So on that note highlighted characteristics of this drug is that aromatization doesn’t exist so increased levels of blood pressure should not be a concern, liver toxicity is extremely low, users do not generally experience any water retention and this drug is safe for women. Another positive aspect of this drug is cholesterol, HDL and LDL values are reported unchanged while on Primobolan. Speaking about safety, because Primobolan is a non-17-alpha-alkylated steroid it loses allot of its potency when taken orally, the positive side of this is alkylation is what actually causes the liver toxicity.

Cycle length and dosage varies depending on which version you acquire. Due to the long ester in the Methenolone Enathate it is recommended that you cycle this steroid for a minimum of 12 weeks. You can really start to feel the full effects of this drug around 5 or 6 week mark where muscle pumps and hardness is reported. Primobolan should be run at a minimum of 600mg a week for men right up to 1000mg+; this is when you really start to feel the full effects of the drug. For users on a budget this is not a drug for you. The reason most people do not enjoy this steroid is simply they do not use large enough doses for lengthy periods of time, however if there is ever a perfect steroid manufactured this would be it.

Primobolan also has a very positive effect on nitrogen retention so being very effective in both cutting and bulking cycles. For women a comfortable weekly dose would be around the 100/150mg mark. For those people who can source both the acetate and enanthate ester I would recommend the oral version due to the fact that it’s easy to stabilise blood hormone levels with shorter esters. Also you will not have to wait so long for this drug to kick in and cycle lengths can be shortened. Just take into account the higher your dose with this drug the more profound its effects become. And this is true with any drug the higher the dose the higher the possibility for potential side effects like male pattern baldness, aggression, oily skin, acne, increased facial and bodily hair, prostate enlargement to name a few.

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Primobolan inj 100mg DNA Laboratory

  • 75.00€

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